Real Stories That Are the Definition of “Cringe”

No matter how much we make effort to avoid them, awkward situations happen to everyone, and they often come at the worst times.

Many people feel really embarrassed, while some just laugh it off.

It’s even funnier when they share these moments online, turning an awkward situation into a funny memory.

Story 1:

My wife and I sleep na-ked. One morning, I woke up to find brown streaks all over my legs, arms, and a big spot on my stomach.

I asked my wife, “What happened?” and saw that her back and arms were covered too.

It turns out she had been eating chocolate chips in bed, forgot about them, and the bag spilled and melted between us while we slept.

We laughed it off, but it was definitely a surprising thing to wake up to.

Story 2

I used to live in a relatively small town where I had a relatively large friend group. A couple of years back, I returned to the town, and I recognized one of them I had been particularly close with. I walked up to them, said, “Hey.” They didn’t have a clue who I was. © Unknown user / Reddit

Story 3

A co-worker and I went out for a bite to eat after work one day. While we were eating, he coughed, and a small piece of his corned beef landed on my hand, but I didn’t notice that it had come from him; I thought part of my messy sandwich had fallen and landed there.

I figured it out when I licked it off my hand and tasted corned beef instead of turkey, and he got a horrified look on his face. I chewed, swallowed, and continued on as if everything was perfectly normal.

Story 4

I uploaded an Instagram selfie to my ex-boyfriend’s Facebook page because I had logged into it after we broke up, and it was still connected to my Instagram.

I got a lot of text messages about it and sat in a dark closet for about an hour after deleting it. The shame still runs deep.

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