10 People Who Did Something So Kind It Belongs in a Film

In a world where kindness often goes unnoticed, some people go above and beyond to make a difference. Today we have gathered heartwarming stories about real acts of bravery, generosity, and selflessness. Whether big or small, these acts of kindness and courage remind us that goodness exists all around us.

For illustration purposes only.
Story 1

I was 18 and had just moved to NYC by myself, trying to adjust to the lifestyle there (having come from a small town in the South). It was my first time using the train, and I had no idea how to buy a MetroCard.

So I’m standing there at the only working machine, with a line of people behind me, trying to buy a card. I was a little frantic because I knew people were waiting. People in the line started yelling at me to “Hurry up!” and “What, are you dumb?” I started to get teary-eyed, which made me even more frantic.

Then, this guy stepped out of the line and told everyone to chill out. He came up, showed me step by step what to do, and paid for a 12-ride card for me. He patted me on the back and told me, “Next time someone yells at you, yell back, and they’ll leave you alone.” In that moment, I didn’t feel so alone.

Without his kindness and guidance, I probably wouldn’t have stayed up there and had all the great experiences I did.

© Wiffle_Snuff / Reddit

Story 2

I was on a date, and he was so sweet. When the bill came, the waitress looked at him and said, “Sir, your card was declined.” He turned pale. I smiled and paid.

As we left, the waitress grabbed my arm and whispered, “I lied.” Then she slipped the receipt into my hand. I turned it over—and in frantic handwriting, there were 2 words: “Google him.” The moment I got home, I searched his name—and my blood ran cold. He was a fraud.

Apparently, he had a pattern: he would date women, gain their trust, and then start stealing from them. He had been in prison multiple times for theft, mainly from his previous jobs. One of his ex-girlfriends had even written blog posts detailing every step of their relationship, including how they met—and it was eerily similar to how he had approached me.
I couldn’t be more grateful to that waitress. Her courage, kindness, and quick thinking saved me from something terrible. I realized she had staged the declined card incident just to have an excuse to slip me that message.

Story 3

I was really depressed after having a baby and starting a new job. I was having a hard time catching on to how the return system worked and had a really impatient customer who was getting snappy with me. I was still really emotional and started crying.

The next customer in line left the store, and I thought she was upset too. But she came back with cookies. She went and bought me cookies. And I just started crying all over again.

© Unknown author / Reddit

Story 4

A few years back, I ran out of gas on my way home from work. I managed to get my car to the median, so I wasn’t totally blocking traffic. I was stuck at this point—no one I could call and no money. I had three people stop and help me.

The first guy asked what was wrong, if I was okay, and if I had any money on me for gas, etc. I told him my car was out of gas, I had no way of getting to a gas station, and I showed him my check that I had yet to cash, so I had no money. He left, and car two showed up.

Car two—I chatted with her for a bit, but she said she couldn’t really help me out, which is all good.
So the third person to stop was an undercover officer. Really nice guy—he helped me push my car towards the grass and brainstormed ideas for the situation because he didn’t want to leave me there.

Well, as the cop and I were talking, car number one pulls up, gets out, and hands me a full 10-gallon gas can. I profusely thanked the guy, even offered to get his number so I could pay him back. He refused, just said it was really no problem.

I didn’t ask this guy to spend his money on gas for me, but he did anyway, and I’m thankful he did. Too bad I’ll never get a chance to pay him back.

© SkatinKate / Reddit

For illustration purposes only.
Story 5

I was working as a producer on a talk radio show. The show I was working on wasn’t terribly popular, so we really wouldn’t get many callers.

On my birthday, I was working like any other day when some guy called in and got his entire family to sing me “Happy Birthday.” He had never called before and hasn’t since. I’ve never met him.

My day was instantly awesome.

© iamyoofromthefuture / Reddit

Story 6

It was Christmastime, and I worked in a toy store in a mall. A teenage girl came in wearing a T-shirt with the logo of my favorite video game on it. I complimented her shirt and asked her where she had gotten it because I had never been able to find that video game on a women’s shirt—only men’s. She told me where she got it, and then she left.

I went into the break room to tell my boyfriend to buy it for me for Christmas, and when I came out, she was waiting for me. She handed me a bag and said, “Merry Christmas! I hope I got the size right,” then left. She had gone out and bought me the shirt, and it was the sweetest thing ever.

© Smile_for_the_Camera / Reddit

Story 7

I lost my tickets to the 2012 NBA Finals on my way there. I got to the gate and saw that my tickets weren’t in my bag or pockets, and I felt so bad for myself and my brother, who could now not get in.

I walked away from the gates and just stood, watching hundreds go in for the game. A guy and his girlfriend came up and asked if we were okay and if we needed any extra tickets. We explained what happened, and he explained that he had gotten extra tickets from a friend and had nobody to give them to.

So, to the guy and his girlfriend—thank you so much!!!

© Er**t__*** / Reddit

For illustration purposes only.
Story 8

When I was about 12 years old, I went to a bookstore with my cousins. We bought a few books and then went outside and started reading them. We were all getting stared down by this old man, but after about 10 minutes of him staring at us, he got up from the bench and went inside the bookstore.

About five minutes later, he came out with three gift cards. He walked up to us with a smile and said, “I love seeing kids read,” then handed each of us a $20 gift card. I had never been so shocked and touched.

© GabeTheNerd / Reddit

Story 9

She didn’t just serve a meal that night. She served a warning.

I boarded a last-minute flight to my hometown, not knowing if my brother was going to be alive when the flight landed. I was sitting in shock, thinking about how this was going to be one of the longest hour and twenty minutes of my life, and it must have been written all over my face.

This particular aircraft had two emergency seats, then a space before the door (no window seat), giving the person who sat in the window seat behind a huge space for legroom. A guy sat down and commented on how he loved to get that seat—extra legroom, etc.

Then he leaned forward and said, “I saw your face when I was walking up the aisle and can tell you could really do with talking to someone to take your mind off something, so I’m just going to talk. At any point you want to talk about it, you can; otherwise, I’m just gonna chat to you.”

I don’t know if that guy will ever have even the tiniest bit of understanding of how deeply he touched me with his actions or his parting words. Six years later, I still think about what a touching thing he did by just chatting with a stranger who looked like she was going through hell.

My brother is alive and well, but for the duration of that flight, I had no idea if that would be the case.

© PollyannaToothpaste / Reddit

Story 10

I was a freshman, and it rained like crazy on my way home from school. I forgot my umbrella and decided to walk through it.

This old woman, probably in her 60s, walked up to me and shared her umbrella with me. She walked with me until I got home, sharing some life lessons along the way. It was around a 10-minute walk. I wish I could see her again and thank her.

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