Melissa Sloan, Britain’s “most tattooed mother,” revealed a photo of herself without her signature tattoos, and people are stunned by the striking difference.
Since she had first started getting tattoos some ten years ago, Sloan has had over 800.
“It’s like when you have a [cigarette] or a drink, you get addicted. I can’t stop it now, it’s addictive, for me anyway. I just can’t stop it,” said Sloan, adding that since tattoo parlors started denying her, because she’s “beyond help,” she got her own kit. She continued, “I carry the [tattoo] gun around with me in the boot, I’ll get one in the car or anywhere.”
According to this mother of seven, she has been having three tattoos a week for an entire decade. What’s most, she said she didn’t remember how she looked like without the ink covering most of her face and body.
Sloan decided to cover her tattoos using foundation makeup, something she only spent £3 on.
Needless to say, those who didn’t know how she looked like before the tattoos, including her two young sons, were stunned by the difference, but that didn’t mean they liked her “new” look.
Speaking to the Daily Star, Sloan said, “None of them talked to me that day, the kids weren’t having none of it. It didn’t go down well.
“They said ‘go back to your craziness mum’, none of them spoke to me. It wasn’t the same, it’s like they were looking at a different person, a stranger.
“When it came off again, they were back to normal – it should have been the other way round,” she said.
Her other five kids, who are older, are not happy with their mom’s tattoos. In fact, Sloan doesn’t have contact with them.
Those who have seen the before and after photos of Sloan wrote that she looked beautiful without the tattoos.
However, she only did this as a little experiment and says she feels comfortable with her inkings and doesn’t regret them despite being dubbed a ‘smurf’ or a ‘freak’ by trolls.
“Worse, the more I have the more they think I’m a freak. They jump out of the way and I think ‘what are you doing that for?’ It’s horrible,” she said. “I expected this in life, I can’t fit in with people as I like to be me and I’m always going to be myself.”
What’s most, she’s been banned from certain bars and from school events.
Her tattoos are a representation of freedom, creativity, and strength against judgement.
Sloan is aware her appearance may not be liked or understood by everyone, but she isn’t concerned about that. She says she’s authentic and her tattoos teach her children to embrace their uniqueness because beauty comes in many forms.
However, they represent an obstacle to her desire to land a job. In the past, she worked as a toilet cleaner, but nowadays, she is denied from similar positions.
“I can’t get a job. They won’t have me. I applied for a job cleaning toilets where I live and they won’t have me because of my tattoos…People have said I have never had a job in my life, I have had one once and it didn’t last long.” She continued, “But, if someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would go and work–I would take that offer.”