Man’s Emergency Call to Hotel Manager Takes an Unexpected Twist!
A man called the hotel manager and said, “ Come up quickly! I fought with my wife, and now she wants to throw herself out the window!”…

ELDERS’ JOKE. Grandma & grandpa were watching healing service on TV. The Pastor told all who wanted to be healed to put one hand on the TV…

Selling a Car
A blonde wanted to sell her car but failed many times. Even though the car looked pratically new it had over 400 000 miles on it. So…

Funny A Man is Lying on Beach!
A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch. A woman passing by remarks, “If you were any sort of a…

During a sermon a pastor announced…
Navigating the intricacies of marriage can often feel like walking a tightrope. But sometimes, a good joke can lighten the mood and provide some comic relief. Here’s…

When Two Women were talking about How They Died? – Here’s What They Had To Say LOL
2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act….

Paddy’s Late-Night Revenge on the Noisy Neighbor’s Dog!
Paddy’s Late-Night Revenge on the Noisy Neighbor’s Dog! Paddy and his wife are lying in bed, and the neighbor’s dog is barking like mad in the garden….

A co-worker told John
A co-worker told John that John’s wife was being unfaithful everyday at 1:30 in the afternoon with John’s best friend. Worried and hurt, John ran home at…

Funny Joke: God reveals the difference between women and men
God was just about done creating humans. He was feeling pretty satisfied with his work, but he had two parts left over. He couldn’t decide how to…

Catholic Shampoo
Two nuns were shopping at a 7-11 store as they passed by the beer cooler, one nun said to the other, “wouldn’t a nice cool beer or…